Italian Pasta Bread Bowl by The Micheff Sisters

Italian Pasta Bread Bowl

(TDY16078) “Meal in a Bowl“

Chili Cornbread Bowls by The Micheff Sisters

Chili Cornbread Bowls

(TDY16078) “Meal in a Bowl“

Italian Meatball Sub by the Micheff Sisters

Italian “Meatball” Sub

(TDY16077) “Super Subs“

Chicken Salad Sub by the Micheff Sisters

“Chicken” Salad Sub

Linda Johnson (TDY16077) “Super Subs“

Grilled Eggplant Pasta Sub by the Micheff Sisters

Eggplant Pasta Sub

Linda Johnson (TDY16077) “Super Subs“

Corn Fritters by The Micheff Sisters

Corn Fritters

(TDY16063) “Childhood Favorites”

Cabbage Rolls by The Micheff Sisters

Cabbage Rolls

(TDY16063) “Childhood Favorites”

Mama's Rice Patties by the Micheff Sisters

Mama’s Rice Patties

(TDY16063) “Childhood Favorites”

Cowboy Spaghetti

(TDY16064) “Noodle It”

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