Chef Mark’s Melting Mozzarella

Mark Anthony (TDY14046) “Say Cheese Please”

Mark Anthony’s Signature Cheese Sauce

Mark Anthony (TDY14046) “Say Cheese Please”

The Micheff Sisters Grilled Hot Dog Salad

Grilled Hot Dog Salad

Linda Johnson, Cinda Sanner (TDY16043) “Entrée Salad”

Mediterranean Salad with Mini Falafels by the Micheff Sisters
Grilled Vegetable Salad by the Micheff Sisters

Grilled Vegetable Salad

(TDY16043) “Entrée Salad”

Spicy BLT Salad by The Micheff Sisters

Spicy BLT Salad

(TDY16043) “Entrée Salad”

Potato Taco Salad by The Micheff Sisters

Potato Taco Salad

(TDY16043) “Entrée Salad”

Apple and Kale Salad

Mark Anthony (TDY13105) “Simply Incredible Italian”

Roasted Red Pepper Dip

Mark Anthony (TDY13105) “Simply Incredible Italian”

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